To install on your machine... Simply open the More... folder and drag the QuickTime init from the CD-ROM volume onto the System Folder on your Macintosh. If you are running System 7, then it will ask you if you would like to put it in the Extensions Folder. Simply answer “OK” and you are done with the installation. Before playing your movie, select Control Panel from your Apple Menu and open the Monitors CDEV. Click on either Thousands or Millions of colors from the selections available. These are the optimum levels to view your movie at, but QuickTime will play at any bit depth or color level. If you don’t have 16 or 24 bit capability, choose the highest color depth you have available. See the Warnings/Performance chapter for more information about color depth and performance. Also select the “Sound” CDEV from the “Control Panel” and turn up the volume. Our movies have great sound!